

Unitarity #General Talk


Getting to Any Town in 30 Seconds Using Elfs Blessing Requirements: Elf's Blessing Link Skill(Obviously) 2k Mesos(i know that's a lot) Steps: 1. Use Elf's Blessing to teleport to Elluel 2.Use the "Taxi" in Elluel to go to any town in Victoria Island. 3.Go to Six Path Crossway (Using Quick Move) 4.Go to Pantheon Using the Portal 5.Go to Maple World Using the Portal. 6. Choose your Destination Cooldown Issue: You can use these to get to Victoria, THEN get to your desired location Nihal to Victoria (10k) That Flying Carpet Guy Leafre to Victoria (30k?) Magic Seed You only need to use the Elven Blessing if you're in: Mu Lung/Herb Town (Who even goes here...) Orbis/ El Nath (LHC xD) Edelstein (Does Anyone even go here.... besides for r


All my nx gone i logged in to check mts and all my nx is freaking gone... i lost 18 freaking k nx. i never gave my password and pic. It was there last night now, it all freaking gone. i checked my purchases, someone bought a flipping arrow. none of my items are gone though, (they suck, so not a surprise) omg i needa rant of basil. Again, i never gave out my pass, pic or any of that crap. </3 FML $10 CHUCKIN GONE. how the... i really dont know.... i really just want to take the arrow that was bought and shove it in the persons Knee...