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Selfish People My cousin's funeral is being held on Saturday and I'm having a difficult time coming to terms with it. She was like an older sister to me growing up, and at 2 years older than me it's hitting me hard. I've lost someone in the past, my wifey to cancer and that was difficult but I had time to come to terms with it as it happened over time. This however was unexpected and just still seems unreal. I don't do well with funerals and so I am unsure if I want to go to hers or not. So earlier today I was speaking to my Mom and I was telling her, well I may not go because I really don't think I can handle seeing my cousin like that. She turns the situation around and tells me, well what about me? I'm going and so you should too. Trying

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Too much work So about a month or so ago, I got a job because I wanted to eat steak again. Then, due to getting back into the work habit, I got a second job. Now I find I have barely any time to myself again, and am considering quitting one of the two jobs. The latter job, is holding a sign part-time, it pays decent enough an hour for what it is. The original job I got as a lube technician(oil changes etc)...due to initiative has led me to a position in advertising/web design. Which is great because it corresponds to my field of study. However, it consumes so many hours a week. As of last night, I overstepped my bounds of advertising and drew up a marketing plan for my bosses boss, who is the head of marketing. Who then surprisingly forward

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Is it common for women to give it up on a first date or was she just easy? So I had a date last night, in which I really liked the girl and I was quite disappointed that she gave it up on the first date. I mean yes, I could have been persistent with my no as well but come on ( if me pulling away slightly from a kiss doesn't scream NO, what does right?). The sexn wasn't rough like I usually push for but more romantic. Guess I'll share the whole story for better insight. So last year at my cousins house warming party, I may have drank a little too much and been a jackass. But it so happens that at that party, I met this girl named A there and for some unknown drunk reason, I decided to rate her in front of her and her family and gave her a 6/

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Friends or More Recently, two of my friends broke up after being with each other for 2 years. Now we're all in a close group of friends and I like to stick to the code of not dating within the group of friends, which everyone knows. Anyways so during Halloween, A, was flirting with me in front of B but I didn't think anything of it because I thought she was just playing around and at that point I didn't know earlier that day she broke up with B. It wasn't until this weekend that I found out, and now I'm pissed. I've known both of them for 15 years. She put me in a messed up situation. B is heartbroken, so he isn't thinking straight, and now he thinks I hooked up with her. This is why I hate dating within the group, it ruins years of friends

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