

UsoppStyle #Chat Talk

General Chat

Help with my homework please first of all, its not a hm for school. its like a kind of question for a job interview. the question is in fact a "case" and i guess they wan't to know how would it resolve it. but the real true is i don't. what would you do if... [b]Today, you have reviewed a batch of 100 pieces of a non-weldable alloy. You have rejected 50% of the batch have the following defects:[/b] - [b]10 pieces have not requested chemical composition in the standard[/b] -[b]15 pieces have low hardness, 50HB less than requested in the standard[/b] -[b]10 pieces have high hardness, 50HB of more than required by the standard[/b] -[b]15 units cleft of 4 inches long on the support surface[/b] [b]Final delivery date is the day of tomo

General Chat

Leave your best joke basiler hello guys :) arent you a bit bored of mapling? then this is a thread to leave your best joke and loot a smile to basilers! i got a couple and here i go: "your mom is so fat that she need a clock in both hand because in the right hand she has the EST time meanwhile the other hand she has the PST time!" "Your mom is so weight that she took a photo and wanted to print a week ago. the print machine has not done yet!" *both jokes are kinda fun to me. i apologize if some1 feels offensed not my intention* now leave yours :) EDIT: sorry for my bad english , however i think you are able to get tthe message. just enjoy it :3

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