

Vincinity #Chat Talk

General Chat

How often do you sing in average per day? [b]*[/b]it doesn't matter if you're not an expert or not a talent for using your vocal cords. Please share your answer..[i][b]or not if it's discomforting[/b][/i] ,':L I think in further detail of what answers i'm looking for: [b]this is important since I need a value in like in minutes or hours ~>[/b] - attempted amount of minutes you would think you sing or could sing [i][b]per day[/b][/i] (if you count by songs then let's say the length in time of a song is average 3 minutes each) - rapping counts I guess - if you practice over an hour..please share like an amount you individually sing your favorite vocal songs (this is just so I could avoid deviant values, and remember i'm