

Voxous #Art Talk

General Art

Should I use cel Shading for this? [url=http://i.snag.gy/Z9NlL.jpg]Screenshot of the subject.[/url] Cel shading can be used to make a character or object look more like a drawn cartoon rather than a 3D object, which can be nice for getting a certain look. Cel shading would more [url=http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1076541-bigthumbnail.jpg]resemble this[/url], while what I currently have is [url=http://images.goodsmile.info/cgm/images/product/20110324/3115/13289/large/3e0225b1258b7673beb34d2cdfc8336e.jpg]closer to this[/url]