

Wangsihan #General Talk


Windia top pvpers [b]Dark Knights[/b] [b]Wholyspear[/b], wangsihan [b]Paladins[/b] [b]VividSkyway[/b] [b]Hero's[/b] Initialsword hotpepinohot [b]Aran[/b] [b]Jarpolar[/b] [b]Demon Slayer[/b] ShindeValzer WingsOfRuin demonsbible [b]Night Lord[/b] [b]UAnnell[/b] [b]Shadowers[/b] [b]Velonic[/b] JanetxPeng DrLazyEyes [b]Dual Blades[/b] Shabingo (or w/e) [b]Bishop[/b] [b]UberLegends[/b] Ownage77777 Bubblingchild [b]Fire/Poison Mage[/b] [b]ShadowGadget[/b] Dains(something like that) Xcoldframe [b]Ice/Lightning Mage[/b] [b]Hiroyuki56[/b] [b]Battlemage[/b] [b]JoeDaBM[/b], Laharl23, Drag0nite, [b]Corsair[/b] [b]Sapheclipse[/b] [b]Buccaneer[/b] macli Timbobucc [b]Cannoneer[/b] [b]Burgeoned[/b] xsanglegend oppaCannon whitefire96 [b]Mechanics[/b] [b]KSe


Your opinion to 11/21/2012 matience? Claiming to make the game "clean" and to "stabilize" the game economy, Nexon deleted "all duped items" along with many legit items. Many players, bought duped items with their hard earned money without knowing. Now, its all gone. Time, effort, and money they spent on them. What about those hackers and dupers? They simply converted those items and mesos into $$ and make profit. Serisouly, Nexon needs to prevent dupeing from rising at 1st place, instead of waited for people to spend tons of real money on them then delete them. read some of these comments before you vote? about 1 out 20 people say that nexon did a good job from what i see o.o