WasabiAkira #Chat Talk

General Chat

Tricked By A Crossdressing Tranny. Well it all started about 3 days ago, some girl emailed me & one thing led to another and she sent me her picture, what a beautiful picture it was too! Some type of Hawaiin, Fillipino Latina mix. After emailing back & forth we exchanged numbers, both kinda hesitant to call, so we just texted. At the end of it all she wanted to meet up in person, so I told her we could meet at the park, she agreed. So around 2AM, we both get there, and in this black SUV type of truck, a 5ft red lip stick crossdressing tranny comes out of the car. I was like efffff that & left. Not to mention when I got back home a frog had entered my room through the window, so at 3am I was with a bandana and goggles chasing a f