

WhoaMomma1 #Chat Talk

General Chat

Why do people think its fun to ruin peoples game on LoL? Seriously, if someone calls a lane whether it's normals or ranked.. Just let them god damn have it, people always chucking a sook.. Like seriously can people just grow up? Also what goes through the mind of Bronze players.. (I could say I'm bronze as well haven't done my 10 placement matches yet) Do they ever listen when you tell them what's best for them? They just go raging like crazy or blame others for their stupid mistakes (I have bad games too).. Also some kids needs to bloody upgrade their stupid toasters, I'm sick of playing with dc'ers it's infuriating.. Also, OCE server for LoL is probably the worst server I've been too.. The community here is trash, toxic af, crying useless

General Chat

My friend on LoL so braindead So today, on LoL my friend got to be the most retarded person I've known. Far out he blames others for being responsible for his own death and calls people noob and to uninstall.. When clearly he's the one being stupid. Underleveled, thinking he's big and sht. "Oh I can 1v1 I'll rip anyone" NEK MENNIT he gets dropped and blames others. Tells me to tank which I clearly did, took like 30k damage more in the whole team and only positive score.. And tells me off to be a proper tank when I'm clearly doing my job.. he goes 4/13 (Fiora) and I went 9/4 as a tank (Garen).. And blames people for KSing when he doesn't do sht but complain,feed and telling people to uninstall.. "ADC Fiora with 53 CS" yea

General Chat

Braindead and useless teams on LoL Ermagerd.. The amount of stupid people calling ADCs ends up feeding like retardly high.. When there's a team fight, at least someone is in Africa farming.. Getting blamed for feeding when having positive score when they're Negative to the max feeding opposing team.. Supports not warding for the team.. Babysitting people's lane because they're braindead.. Non-english people not communicating.. Ermagerd this game makes me wanna quit at times.. Because of the amount of braindead and retards on it >.> My god... Can't even find any good games that lasts over 45 mins.. all stupid under 30 and 20 minutes -_-" I feel sorry for the people who are good teaming up with useless braindead kids I hate PEOPLE.

General Chat

Braindead people costing you games on LoL So.. Just had a 55 minute game, having 2 braindead people in the team that costed us the game.. Here we are a Master Yi destroying Inhibitor Turrets for top lane, later on he couldn't even remember that he destroyed it. So there would be a team fight and he's in Africa farming still and the whole team dies and he doesn't even realise, let alone had the LEAST assist on the WHOLE team So it came down to both open Nexus. 3/5 of our team died, me and Yi was alive. The enemy's side was all alive Yi attacked the Nexus I helped him out. This Master Yi was full AP build.. And didn't even meditate at all while getting hit.. and we both died, Nexus was 1 hit away.. from being destroyed.. My Guardian Angel.. w

General Chat

Something is eating my computers hard drive. Well my Acer computer has a small Hard drive space when I bought this computer 3 years ago it came with 150 GB.. I forgot to upgrade for more space, when I made it Windows 7 :| So my hard drive space would be.. like 5 GB space left, some day it just drops and regains space randomly. I don't download anything on the computer, I only use it to play games and use the laptop to store things on it, because it has a bigger hard drive space. Sometimes I'd play like a game and later closing it I lose like 1-2 MB of space :| I barely have anything stored on it.. I don't know what's eating my hard drive, when I delete something I don't gain the whole memory of it. But like half of it ._. Soon I'd have noth