WildHeartless #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

Best Link Skills for Nightlord? What is yall's opinion on best link skills for Nightlord? Im feeling conflicted... Right now I have... Demon Slayer Demon Avenger Kanna Luminous Cannoneer Mercedes Kaiser Beast Tamer Xenon Phantom Zero Cygnus Knights 4/5 (working on leveling DW atm) I really want stance, so definitely want to Link Mihile, but which one would you trade out that wouldn't hinder a Nightlord? I don't have max crit even with DSE so dont suggest Phantom because Im not potting for Critical Chance because 97% is fine with me... 3% wont make too much of a difference. (though I have yet to get crit hyper, so might consider this down the raod... only lv 174) Can I sacrifice some HP and maybe trade out Cannoneer or Kaiser... or do Nightl