

WindiaEvan #Merch Talk

General Merch

How and What to Merch Hey Guys so ive decided to write a thread for the people who dont know how to merch! As you all might know the Main Rule is Buy low Sell High. Sounds easy but it really isnt. Mostly people in the fm (free market) merch away 10 atk Work gloves, white scrolls, protection scrolls, and AEE (advanced equip enhancement scroll). You may think well I only have about 1-2m to start with so i cant afford them. Well make ur way up one way is to monster park and sell the items you find. another is do gfa 60% quests! It is a quick 8 million depending on what server you are in. Or buy scrolls all of em 200-400k each and resell for 1mil quick mesos right there. Thats a basic merchant guide. An Advanced one is cubing and scrolling equi