

WithSummer #Icelightningarchmage Talk

General Icelightningarchmage

Hyper Skills, Gc vs Cl As everyone is aware of by now the damage cap is being increased to 50m. When hyper skills come out it probably isn't going to be the best idea to spam glacier chain due to how easy it is to reach cap, so we still use chain lightning as our main skills. However with the 50m damage cap would it be best to use GC as our main skill? I was thinking of a build like: Glacier cooldown Glacier extra attack Chain lightning reinforce Chain lightning extra attack Teleport mastery add range I don't have the extra targets in GC because I don't see myself ever hitting more than 12 monsters, especially at level 200. I thought the two points in Chain lightning would be nice for bosses like pink bean where I don't want to be constantl