

Witty #General Talk


Super laggy game I don't know what happened but I was helping a friend level on my kanna and then all of a sudden i start lagging. I've never lagged before on my new computer, and the lag was actually very bad. I'm also having issues with my keyboard. I will type something and hit enter, but the message won't show up for a few seconds, even going up to a minute. The weird part is, the day before I started lagging, my computer was perfectly functional and very fast. Any ideas on why this might have happened and how to fix it?


Masteria rewards? So how do I get the Masteria rewards? I'm not talking about the chair and android and stuff, I'm talking about the cubes and hair color coupon that you were supposed to get for completing all the acts. I tried clicking the Masteria icon but all it says is "Onward, to Masteria". I know I completed all the acts because when I go there and talk to the statue and select act 4, it doesn't let me play it since I already finished it. I'm genuinely confused, any advice? Thanks!

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