

WorkOfArt #Firepoisonarchmage Talk

General Firepoisonarchmage

Are FP DPM calculations wrong I don't think that they implemented teleport mastery into f/p dps. Idk about you guys, but when I boss, no matter which boss (as long as it doesn't debuff + 1/1), I use Paralyze and Teleport up at the same time, hitting the boss with Teleport Mastery and Paralyze, adding an extra hit that's about the same as 1 hit of paralyze (out of the 3 that paralyze actually hits). It doesn't slow down the number of times Paralyze hits if you're button mashing. Against the tougher bosses, I either do it once every Paralyze or once every 2 paralyzes. Either way it ups our DPM. By quite a bit in fact.

General Firepoisonarchmage

Fire/Poison DoT damage factor I made this thread in general before but it really just applies to F/P mages. Alright, so right now, people seem to be confident that I/L mages outdamage F/P mages regardless of circumstance, as long as the funding is high and the damage cap is crippling the F/P damage. There's a lot of factors to consider, however, in off paper DPS, and I personally believe that it's possible that F/P mages may be stronger than I/L mages at higher level bosses even if funding is high. I'll list the reasons: 1) Fire/Poison DPS continues to prosper even as they are stunned, sealed, power knock backed, seduced, etc. At high level bosses, this will really occupy a very large percentage of the boss fight, perhaps as much as 50%. Du

General Firepoisonarchmage

FP Training Help I'm a decently funded F/P mage, level 7x, and at Explosion level 1, I am dealing around 25k~40k damage per hit, though once I hit 77, I will deal maybe 50k due to a new weapon. Is Poison Mist style training (maxing Mist first, casting mist throughout the map, then teleporting through the map to finish off all monsters) as effective as explosion training (simply explode -> teleport until everything's dead) when funded? And finally, my level 77 weapon has "Ignore 30% Def/MDef of monsters." Is that good for training? I don't care much about bossing since I'm only level 77, and I'll be changing my weapon to an E-Staff once I'm more suitable for bossing.