

WorldPeace #Chat Talk

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Should I sing to my girlfriend prom? voice clip inside My girlfriend doesn't know that Im into vocals, and i've decided that I'm going to ask her to prom by singing to her. Kk so this clip is super rough (recorded with my blackberry) lol. I'm planning to play guitar at the same time (my guitar is getting restrung) [b] just picture it with a guitar playing in the background [/b] But basically the song is gonna be Bruno Mars version of Marry you, but instead of "I think I wanna marry you" its gonna be "I wanna go to prom with you!" ; Please lemme know what you think, is this an embarrassment? Can I even sing...? lol

General Chat

Me singin a few clips, wutcha think? Both recorded with my N81 cellphone, nothin fancy Just wanna make it clear I don't care if you guys think I suck, haters be my motivation. constructive criticisms in WANTED, gimme tips on how I can improve, never took singing lessons in my life. Also, I wanted to ask Basil do you think its homo to sing be singing like this? (Consider it coming from me, 150lb, 5'8 footballing jacked Asian) I mean no one at school knows I can sing like this. I'm 15 in grade 10, I breakdance and you could never guess that I could sing, would it be considered homo? I can rap as well.

General Chat

So, I'm trying to learn flips and stuff, and get more jacked Wusgud Basil, anyways I've been break dancing for a couple years now and I'm pretty damn good, but ever since I moved I haven't had to will to practice or work out as much. Anyways I'm looking for classes to take that will improve my breaking, I mainly wanna take a martial art that teaches lots of flips and stuff, 720's, back tuck, Sudo aerial. Etc... [b]But, which martial art has that kind of stuff?[/b] Also would anyone recommend me taking gymnastics? I'm 15 and I have no idea what Gymnastics would be like, and idk how and where I can start. <Also is it not considered.. homosexual? Not that's there's anything wrong with that, I'm simply talkin about social norms and junk.

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I believe racists dont deserve the right to live I know what you're all thinking, "[i]if you kill them, you're no better[/i]" but you're wrong, there's a difference. Racists are intolerant idiots that cannot and will not give into reason, the only language that they can understand is primitive and ape-like. I am not trying to make racists believe what I believe, in no way is this like Nazism. It's a weird way of putting it, but I truly believe if someone cannot see past such idiocy, to the point in which they harm the well being of others, they deserved to be punished Agree?

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What am I going to do with my life :( Sup Basil, I'm currently in grade 10 and have NO idea what I'm going to do when I grow up... Most of you might say I'm still too young to decide, but I disagree. Right now I have to pick my courses for grade 11, which determain what I'll be taking in grade 12, which will also determine what program I take in university. -Right now I'm leaning towards Architecture because I "think" I'd like it, I personally am very creative and good with math. But, I read somewhere that architects don't always make a lot of money, and won't always find a job.. :( -If not architecture I'd probably go into a business program, either Business and Science, or Environment and business. I do enjoy business and it's a

General Chat

How can I get rid of my damn acne I haate it soo much! I've tried many products, cleansers, exfoliaters, exposed skin care, etc... But nothing seems to work. I'm chinese and I was wondering if any of you asians had experience with acne and what worked for you? (skin types are different so i'm trying to see if what works for asians might work for me) I'm 16 btw, I drink a lot of water and dont eat that much junk food. I'm about to schedule an appointment with my doc and he's gonna prescribe me some acne medication has anyone ever taken these? HALP MEE >.<

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