

Wukong #Site Talk

General Site

Proof Mods have been angry at the community lately [url=http://gyazo.com/223bbb1adcc82f91fbb52c32e4d4e04a]What kind of bs is this![/url] Getting butthurt over feedback on a useless feature? Making puns from the user's username he is insulting? The fact that he (or another certain mod...) is going to ban me just for making this thread? Not to mention them deleting half the dang posts on the site and even some threads, for no reason, after Mr.B released the new reporting system! Even a thread about some poor fellow who farted in class and was asking what to do was deleted! Does this seem fair to you? Basilers, I call you in basils time of need. STAND AGAINST THE MODS AND MR.BASIL HIMSELF. CALL FOR BODY CAMERAS ON EACH AND EVERY POLIC- I MEAN