XXjumpstar1299X #Merch Talk

General Merch

P/c on items? Hello whoever reads this line of text! I need some help on some p/c on items, because I haven't played in over.. 2~3 years? I need some assistance on getting more mesos after not being active for such long time :P If it isn't too much, can anyone help me with some prices? GAZED Market preferably. :) Epic Pot Scroll 50% Pot Scroll Clean Slate Scroll 5% Mutant Snail Familiar Khanjar - Clean Tempest Epaulet - 9% Dex (Epic) Tempest Epaulet - (Epic) Tempest Belt - 6% Luk (Epic) Twinkling Boy Glow Shoes Sausage Ring Twelve Chair Bag Soul Teddy Chair Olivia Chair Lord Pirate Chair Moon and Star Cushion Storytime Chair Porcelain Throne Yellow Mesodizer Chair 2x A Set of Match Cards Platform Puppy..?? (Kek) Level 10 Male Weapon? (Some