

Xdwow2 #Chat Talk

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Cherish your hearing So I suffered from sudden hearing loss, and tinnitus recently. After taking a prescription, my situation didn't improve, in fact got worse. My life literally went from good/happy to depressing/miserable. Some days I feel suicidal, and some days I feel that it's alright to live like this. I don't know what caused my hearing loss/ tinnitus, but I can tell you this, if you listen to music too loud with your headphones, or go to concerts without ear protection, you too can become a victim of this problem. While some ppl might think hearing loss is easier to cope with, but having tinnitus with hearing loss is a type of hell I hope none of you would have to experience. There aren't that many people who suffer from this so the

General Chat

How do you define a weeab? The formal definition of weeaboo is a person who denounce their own culture in favor the Japanese culture. To me a weeaboo is pretty much that. If you're a person who likes anime, listen to japanese music, etc, in my eyes, you're just a person who appreciate and enjoy Japanese exports. It's no different from playing a pokemon game using a 3DS. With that said, if you're a person who thinks Gate is a good anime, to me you're a semi-weeab, since the anime to me seemed like some sort of Japanese Ultra-National Military Propaganda anime...well I never watched the anime, but I read the Manga, and the scene where they easily took out those SEALS and SPETSNAZ was just bad taste to me. Just an opinion though, so don't get

General Chat

Met a life changing person Just yesterday I met a really awesome, and strong dude. Overnight I'd been thinking what must it be like to be like him. However I am just literally an average joe, not particularly good looking, nor do I have any particular talents, nor do I have money. Naturally, I just brushed it off as another one of those daydreams I have. Came this morning however, I still thought about it. Every single time I browse Facebook, I always see these success story people have when they decide to change. Not that its unlikely, but I think meeting this person, perhaps, this time would really motivate me to change. And also, before I forget, his name is spelled from the first letter of every sentence I just wrote.

General Chat

Controversial discussion Do you think it's okay to have the government allow human experimentation on death row inmates or one's serving for life? I personally think it's okay for multiple reasons. A) The "volunteers" already had their right to live forfeited. B) Human Experimentation is probably the best approach to curing a lot of human diseases. C) The fear factor of being put on these sentences would dissuade would be criminals D) If these criminals are on the death row/ life sentences, they most likely had committed a really really heinous crime, such that their rights as a human being can be considered forfeited.

General Chat

Windows 10 100% disk So my laptop out of nowhere starts to have this issue with 100% disk usage spikes. This essentially makes my laptop lag alot whenever I use it to do things, like web browsing. I applied all the supposed solutions I found online, but to no avail. It's not so bad that I can't do anything, but there are moments when the computer just freeze for seconds. It's worse if a program or a game is running. Any techies here who had encounter this problem and solved it?

General Chat

The Earth is flat It's as flat as your loli-waifu's chest. It's justice. Justice is the truth. Loli is the truth. I am sending this from a jail cell. Megumin. I am a disgusting weab. Okay jokes aside, why do some people actually believe the Earth is flat? In the scientific field, the best way to proof a theory is trying to find one thing that can disprove it, but as expected flat earth-ers never produced any concrete evidence aside from posting big-foot photos/videos. Let the trolling and the google search begin.

General Chat

Lost my old CA account and Basil Account I have an account for combat arms only because I uhh... was naughty back then, and my old basil account, both of which are attached to a certain e-mail account at aol (it sucks, I know, that is why I use g-mail now). Long story short, something weird happened to the e-mail account and for some reason every time I request password changes from the various websites linked to that e-mail, nothing comes through. I am almost certain that is the right e-mail for both accounts since the account is literally registered in both websites yet I can't get a password change to get through.

General Chat

I don't like my own native country. I am Chinese (born in China, but raised mostly in Murica), but for some reason I really hate the Chinese government(not saying the US has better foreign policies, but at the very least, the US is ostentatious about it, while the Chinese Govt is just downright trying to expand without legitimate excuse; makes me look bad as a Chinese) Also I'm not very fond of main-landers either. My uni has quite a number of them, but they are so obnoxiously loud when they speak mandarin. Any Murican Chinese or Westernized Chinese who feels the same?

General Chat

Isnt Warp drive technically impossible? We all know the concept of warp drive is to warp space and connect two points far away together. Theoretically, the only things that can warp space is a super massive object like planets, and stars, but those only have very minuscule effects on the space they affect. The only thing that can comes close to warping space considerably is a black hole (and possible a neutron star a.k.a a failed black hole), and that takes the death of a super massive star to form. So the energy required to even consider something like warp drive probably requires more energy than the Sun.

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