

XmoheganX #Chat Talk

General Chat

Dont ask, dont tell military law SO I was browsing the news articles online and found this. The Pentagon is celebrating for the first time gay pride month. I have nothing against it, but I was wondering how Basilers would feel being in the "sandbox" (or deployed anywhere) with a gay man or woman. Deployments can run for very long periods of time, especially in the Army. I know the Marines have shorter deployments, but still, several months. *Of course the law is no longer active anymore! Original article:,0,1185517.story

General Chat

Staph infection anxiety I'm posting on Basil in order to pass the time o.O So I crashed on my bike a couple nights ago and a twig went into my arm. I pulled it. I didn't realize it until just a couple hours ago but I am 99% positive I have a staph infection on my right arm (tricep area). I'm having a pretty bad anxiety over it >_<. I'm going to the doctors tomorrow (well it's 4AM right now. I'm going to the hospital around 2PM probably). I just wanted to share the story. Thanks for reading :) ALSO** off topic. I auditioned for a music program at my school called Starship. And I made it! I kind of auditioned just for giggles. Surprisingly, I got accepted. So if any Basilers are interested, eventually when we have performances I'll show

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