

YouAzle #Pirate Talk

General Pirate

Pirate Revamp Date Sorry but there is not date posted exactly...Why? I have no idea. How is it so hard to post a date for a class revamp. They (Nexon) must be contemplating whether or not it's a good idea since they already released Jett, so theyre giving these half-assed confirmations like " Summer" "Soon" Every other class revamp had a date, eve Phantoms; the most anticipated new class as of late July 12th, AND IT CAME EARLY [ July 9th ] Hell, even supposedly estimated, the "[b]end of the world[/b]" HAS A POSTED DATE. December 20 something... Nexon, really... how hard is it to give a month & day for the 'Oh-so ragingly-topic-popular 'Pirate-revamp'. -Shake my head-