

ZeDarkLynx #Fun Talk

General Fun

What would you do if You were given the choice to have one of the superpower below in your dream. by the end you have woken up to find out you now have it. What will you do with it Teleporotation X-ray vision (allows you to see through walls hint hint) Stop time if you hold your breath able to move object without physical touch by touching a mechamism you know how it works and how to use it (to know it weak points and strong points Ex Swords) Detect any kind of mineral (gold sliver platium etc) to reverse time up till One day (greatly affect your faituge) to commincate with creatures/animals turn invsibiblty Chose wisely

General Fun

Zombie Apocalypse Your Choice Yahhhh another zombie thread. i wanna see the different ideas of basil Sooooo am gonna list the rules of this Zombie Apocalypse Zombie Skills: The zombies of this world is if bitten you get infected easy as that also they can run slowly. Story: The goverment has bee shut down the remaining governers have taken their own family and had gone underground to perseve themselves insted of helping their people. Waters are polluted with radiaction and bandits , bands have formed. many people have died you are too surivie and/or rebuild society So you get the whole jimmic now pick how you would survie by commenting below btw ALL miltary equiment have already been used SO NO GUNS OR BAZOOKA KK (Skip the food water medici

General Fun

Every mexican tv shows So am gonna name off every sernario at the very end of the show that every happens in Mexicans Love tv shows 1. The secound guy comes in and intrerupt the wedding of the two people (sometimes the guy dies) 2. the god mother comes in and stops the weeding 3. Dead husband comes back and stops the wedding 4. The guy or girl dosent goes to the wedding And last the husband is either killed or murderd So how true is this my fellow mexicans (btw am mexican)