

ZedsDead #Chat Talk

General Chat

Are you ready for the big leap? It's coming! The interior of one of the early vessels that will leave earth is search of resources when earth dies Harmonious life in a virtual reality moderated by the government that ensures no pain! no sadness! no boo boos! just endless sex and parties and euphoria fed into your brain via a tube in your neck! While in the real world we will receive messages unconsciously telling our bodies to performing functions such as reproduction or physical labor that keeps the vessel operating. Are your ready for the big leap? Are you ready for destiny of mankind to be fulfilled? Are you ready for evolution to start all over again? To become the germ?

General Chat

Cleared my ears and broke my brain? Due to some blocked 'stachian tubes I decided to clear my ears. (pinch nose and blow with mouth closed.) When I stopped blowing my brain went awol. My teeth feel like foreign objects in my mouth and it feels like there's food smeared all over my gums and under my tongue. My tongue moves to get it but there's nothing there. It's been 15 minutes and the sensation hasn't gone away. Really just cannot stop moving my teeth around cuz they feel so weird. Am I stroking? Basil drs help me!

General Chat

Animal slaughter is the only domestic issue that really matters. Srsly. Why give a chit if weed is legalized? Does energy independence __really__ matter? Immigration? Gas Prices? Next to real issues like slavery and violence these things are petty af. Inb4 "It's okay to kill cows, we'll breed more" "It's done humanely" "Burger's are such good" "I can't make sick gainz without my steak brah" It'd be dope if an alien race with an appetite for humans visits soon. All of our lulzy excuses would get tossed out the window. P.S. Yes I eat meat and yes I just watched one of those PETA videos