ZeroFriends #Nightlord Talk

General Nightlord

What should be my end game claw? Well, im lvl 127 and not funded at all and atm (i have 66mil) i have the lvl99 8th anniversary equips and honestly being unfunded all other sets except for like the lvl 150 look inferior to the 8th anniversary but they are millions! So idk if i should keep my set and just try to perfect my claw I have gathered a total of 47 clean slate scrolls on 3 different characters and with the 50% from the unleashed shop that give +5 att i could possibly have a 114att 8th anniversary claw (49att + 11slots each) however i did manage to buy an abyss lampion from a friend for like 10mil before he quit and its 4 att above avrg, and i LOVE how the lampion looks so im thinking what i can do since im unfunded, is that i could