

Zingmin #Pirate Talk

General Pirate

Glitches or intentional? We all know that we can not trade in books... hopefully Nexon will fix that. What i really wonder about is wings and mount cancelling. Wings can not be added to a macro anymore, so there is no possibility for a wings recoil combo as we previously had (i wanted to try to wings then recoil to the top platforms at crockies). Also, we can not macro the new boat mount so it effectively removes our ability to mount cancel given that the speed that we can manually mount and then dismount is far slower than the delay of the skill itself. Do any of you think that these are glitches and that they will be fixed, or do you think they are intentional?

General Pirate

Mount lag fixed Reading through the bug report i noticed that mount lag has been fixed. It comes as one final kick in the teeth for me really, it made party training my corsair a nightmare and now when they finally fix it it is during the patch that removes my boat. I find it hard to believe that it took them this long to fix it, the timing of the fix is a little too suspicious. Almost like they wanted us to play Jetts and delayed the patch... But we know Nexon would not be THAT devious. F3