

Zulucker #General Talk


To all who say dont complain about nexon There is a LOT Nexon can do as a multi millionaire company, a few people are saying dont complain about Nexon or stop nagging. Let me list out a couple of things Nexon can do RIGHT now and get their act together 1. Fix CWKPQ 2. Fix HT glitch (including banning all the losers who call themselves the HT police) 3. Patch up more hacks 4. Read their tickets 5. Get more On task better in general staff (including GMs) 6. Instead of updating the cash shop FREQUENTLY try helping all those poor banned players 7. Make some sort of event where everyone can participate in to get a free world transfer (event will be hard or take a long time) to even out the over populated and under populated worlds 8. Ban a TON o


Can you guys please help? im also selling steelies in Scania ok im thinking of deleting my night walker ( i also want to sell my 4 steelies, can someone buy or how much should i sell for?) and making another Koc, (not my main, just a mule but has to be KOC) so im thinking of making a dawn warrior or thunder breaker, i wanna have fun with this koc so i can level to 120 fast, so can you help me decide which of these should i make? and if you havent noticed im very poor and i cant fund my characters ( i know it embarrassing). so please help me decide.


wooo i finally did it! i finally reached 4th job! I FINALLY DID IT, YES! And i couldnt of had done it without these very helpful, powerful and godly people : UltimateJR, Kristine30, infinityguy. These people were with me during the entire 2x and i got from 115 to 119, 80%, then 2x were over, and everybody was leaving, but these people stayed and said "we're gonna wait til you finish Solid" i even died once, but they stayed til the very end, i love these people, for letting me achieve my first 4th job. "THANK YOU UltimateJR, Kristine30, infinityguy!"

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