

ZxlceSinxZ #Chat Talk

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Orange Box or BFBC2?( or other <$20 steam game) So I just found out that I still had $23 on my paypal account that I forgot about, and I've decided to get a game on steam. I've narrowed it down to The Orange Box or Battlefield: BC2. I'm not really sure which to get. I already have Portal from the free thing. I've played like half of the Half-Life 2 Campaign before and it was great but not "omg best game evar" great. So basil, which one should I get? (also suggest other games(has to be under $20))

General Chat

1 MILLION dollar prize for DotA 2 tournament at Gamescom [url=http://www.dota2.com]www.dota2.com[/url] Oh my god. I'm starting to get really excited about this. Looks like Valve is serious about DotA 2 being a competitive game. For those who don't know, DotA is a hugely popular Warcraft 3 mod. MOBA games like LoL and HoN are spinoffs of it. But seriously though, $1 million dollar prize on a game that's not out yet? Crazy. I can't wait though. It just sucks that there are no NA teams. If this is serious, DotA 2 is going to take over as the top competitive MOBA, HoN is going to die and LoL is just going to be a casual free to play version with no competitive scene. [url=http://www.dota2.com]www.dota2.com[/url]

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April Fools Day on the Internet Alright, I'm bored so I'm going to try to find/list all the April Fools stuff on the internet :) (only the good stuff) [url=http://www.google.com/intl/en/jobs/uslocations/mountain-view/autocompleter/index.html]Google job listing: autocompleter(watch the video)[/url] [url=http://mail.google.com/mail/help/motion.html]Gmail Motion[/url] [url=http://gamevideos.1up.com/video/id/33250]Halo Dance Central[/url] [url=http://us.blizzard.com/en-us/games/console/]Starcraft Motion for Kinect[/url] [url=http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/2325614706]Starcraft II fake patch notes[/url] [url=http://combatarms.nexon.net/News/View.aspx?boardNo=101&contentNo=00BmJ]Combat Farms[/url] [url=http://www.razerzone.com/talon]R