

ajcv2009 #General Talk


Why do people buy 1 ztooth out of each 200 group? The last few days, I've been selling zombie teeth in my store, since it seems all of the equips I have aren't meant to be sold and I need some money. I usually put the in groups of 200 and put the price for each one of them, so people can buy less than 200 if they need. But, for some reason, some people keep buying 1 tooth from each group of 200 (making it 199...) or, sometimes, 100 teeth of each group, leaving them all at 100. ¬_¬ I don't see the point in this, other to annoy the seller who, like me, has to periodically close the store, regroup the things and put it up again, praying so my slot doesn't get stolen in the process. Do any of you know why the heck do people do this and why? I


Do any of you know if this is a hack? Hello everyone, I've been wondering about this ever since I came back to the game (a few months ago, after a looong break of over a year), and I don't know where else to ask, so... Here I am. Ever since I returned to the game, whenever I've gone to train to some open map (as opposed to a mini-dungeon), I've run into people (Luminous, usually, but also Kaisers and Angelic Busters) that appear floating in the portal that leads to the map I'm grinding. They last but a few seconds and then they disappear. They re-appear a while later, floating for a few seconds over the portal again and then disappearing again. They usually have names such as "gghdjjjj" or something equally unintelligible and, whi