alex1234181 #Chat Talk

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Smart People Only So i was taking this extremely hard math test in school today. supposedly if you answered all 20 questions correct you were a genius. Anyway, one of the questions was: their are 7 people, what are the odds each one of them was born on a different day of the week. this question was literally driving me insane. so if you know the answer please god enlighten me. thanks EDIT: Sorry wrong section, please move this mods DOUBLE EDIT: Must be exact, no decimals

General Chat

Will i get accepted to University of Buffalo? Well lets start with the bad, my gpa is only a 2.8 and i don't have many extracurriculars. I was one of those lazy kids in high school that only passed because of my test scores. my SAT scores were pretty good. i super scored an 1850, 610 CR 710 Math and 530 WR, and got a 10 on the essay. Also i'm majoring in engineering dont know if that really matters. I'm In my senior year now and my average is an 87 so far, a little too late though...So im just wondering if you think i have any chance of getting in, thanks. EDIT: so sorry i posted this in the wrong section, can a mod please move this to chat?

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Basils English geniuses come in so i have an english paper due in about one hour and i did a not so good job </3 but this isnt a sob story asking you guys to fix it all i really need is correct punctuating such as commas and the works since i really struggle in that area. please if you can help me ill be forever grateful. heres the garbage essay Newfound Art I'm not going to lie; art was never something I was remotely interested in. Whether I be in school, where art felt more like a chore than an actual class, or when I would look at real works of art. I would usually just stare at the painting for about 15 seconds say it's interesting and move on. I always felt that art just wasn't for me and that I can live without it. But that was bef

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How would this make you feel? So today my dad basically told me if i was gay he would disown me. My dad is an old school Italian immigrant who is very single minded, but lately has become slightly more open minded which led me to respect him more. But now with this comment he made i'm almost disgusted with him. idk maybe i'm just over reacting and he's just panicking and wants solid proof i'm not gay. By the way i'm not gay whatsoever, but the only way he'd believe me is if i brought a girlfriend to the house. Something i dont think i'd ever be able to do around him. So i was just wondering how would you guys react to a situation like this? Should i just fold, get a girlfriend, and bring her over to shut him up? or try to prove a point and