

alonsorock #Warrior Talk

General Warrior

Should I upgrade to empress? Hello guys! I'm a Lv.172 Hayato and my range is 44k buffed (around 60k fully buffed, hypers, willow dodge, etc) And I've been wondering if I should upgrade to empress to make myself stronger :) This are my equips: 6% Str Top 13% Str Bot Empress Shoes 3% str 6 att Empress Gloves 3% str 8 att Blackfist Cloak 6 att 9% Dex Empress Helm 3% str 1 att So yeah, I've been thinking on switching my 6% str top and 13% bot for a nice att overall with about 12% str or something. Also get an Empress cape or shoulder for the set effect <3 My budget now is around 350m but if I sell my top and bot I'm sure I can get some more mesos :) Thanks :)

General Warrior

Losing motivation on Ms I want to make a new warrior So yeah what title said, since I came back from my trip I have played like half an hour of MS in 2 days. All I do is a few MPE on my Dawn Warrior and that's all. I noticed my problem. I don't have a main character! I'm not sure on what to do on MS anymore. I want to continue/make a new warrior... I want to stick to it, fund it, reach Lv.200 (After 3 years of playing, I don't have a single Lv.200 character) I was thinking on an explorer, just for the sake of it. So please, tell me the pros and cons of your favorite warrior or the warriors you like the most (: As you can see, I'm a warrior lover. Just see my characters on basil!