

alvin521 #Icelightningarchmage Talk

General Icelightningarchmage

Ua i/l or Lumi? hello guise <3 nice to see someone is reading my thread. anyways i have a few questions that i need help with. so im about to make a UA i/l as soon as my mihile turns 120 and so like im wondering if i should even make a UA i/l or just wair for lumi? im not funded at all. in total i only have around 2m-3m tops and so hearing that how i/l's need pretty good funding to even be anything special kinda makes me demotivated. i had a 110 regular i/l but i accidentally deleted it >.< Anyways here is what i have prepared for my ua i/l if i make one: perma salmon nigiri or ireana the betrayer or a beige cap(untradeable) perma tea time overall or combat overall or green hoodie (untradeable) perma alchemist bottle(untradeable) 4