

What to upgrade on a maurauder with limited funding?

I have about 110 mil and 10k nx credit (no mts) at my disposal. Here are my equips:

Hat - 13 dex witch hat
Overall - 6 str 3 dex clean white marquini
Shoes - 9 dex black basile boots
Earring - 3% str 7 dex half earrings
Cape - 3% str 7 dex red seraph cape
Gloves - I have two, and I'll sell the one I don't use: 7 atk 1% str, and 9 atk
Rings - Lv 15 ring I, Lv 17 ring II, Resistance Ring
Belt - Clean Blue Belt
Weapon - 95 att king cent 3-lined with 5 atk and 5 all stat
Pendant - None

I know that my hat, overall, and pendant need to be upgraded, but how would I do it?

I also have broken glasses - 2/1/1/1, 2-lined with 3 luk that I can karm and sell.

March 28, 2011

1 Comment • Newest first


Get a better helm; Scar, z-helm, ravana will all do,
Potential your shoes
100% dex your overall and potential it too
Try to go on a MoN run or buy a deputy star the rest for a better Knuckler is all I can say

Reply March 28, 2011