

antisora99 #Chat Talk

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PSN down. What can you do? Yes PSN is down :( it happend somewhere around yesterday. HOWEVER people think they still cant have fun because they cant do multiplayer/ online/ talk to friends Well in the "online places" you play to show skill (in some cases) take Black Ops and Modern Warfare 2 for example. they seem kinda boring without PSN. You can still try Story Mode! it doesnt require PSN to work and it will mabye improve your skills. now it has been said that Anonymous (Group of Hackers) hacked PSN and will allow some people to use it for credit card details. DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY INFORMATION! why? 1) its just stupid 2) What is the point? if u have PSN working wat about every1 else? you will still b alone on PSN 3) There is alway

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Did you miss the riddles Did you? Cause they're BACK! ;D I'm only doing 5 for practice but can change my mind. Winners will be recorded under the riddle. NOTE: Multi-answer means there are more than one answers and possibly more than one winner... #1: I'm a replacement for you, in the game or on Basil too. You can't ever find me, but hey! I'm just feeling so gray... Who am I? Winner: Cyote252 with "Grey Blob" #2: (Multi-answer) "Most useful thing ever" some say. No, this skill is not Angel Ray. This skill is weak, but will suffice for now, but they killed me for this, WOW Who am I and what is the skill? Winner: Cyote252 with "Snail Throw" Winner: #3: Facing me now is just wrong. But it wont matter, you will los

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Summer Reading Suggestions So my school, in its infinite wisdom, decided to give all 9th, 10th and 11th grade students a summer reading assignment to ruin our summer fun. The assignment is to make a journal for 2 books from a given list, depending on your grade level for next year. So all those educated basil people, which books do you think are great from this list? 1. Boss Tweed: The corrupt Pol Who Conceived the Soul of Modern New York by Kenneth D. Ackerman 2. Economix: How and Why Our Economy Works (and Doesn't Work) by Michael Goodwin, Dan E. Burr 3. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green 4. The Imperial Presidency by Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. 5. Masters of Enterprise by H.W. Brands 6. McMafia: A Journey Through the Global Criminal Unde

General Chat

Urgent help for my bird My 5 year old male canary has been at the bottom of the cage and making small movements since I got home. When I arrived he was at the bottom, on his side, and opening his beak. He is still there and is making strange noises and tvvitching. Please tell me what I can do to help him because no one is home right now and I don't want him to die. Update: He is now practically paralyzed. He has this light yellowish stuff coming out of his beak. This might be my last day with him...

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