
Piece of Cracked Dimension

I wanted to do a PAP run today just for fun. I did all the prequests years ago, I have the ludi medal and whatnot. I thought I could get a piece of cracked dimension from Mr.Bouffon or Flo but they're not giving them out anymore? Soooo where do I get them now to PAP?

September 5, 2016

2 Comments • Newest first


The bottom floor of the clocktower is now a star force area so the prequests are different. I did the quests on my Eunwol (he is named shade in GMS, but i don't care) Papulatus is still there, but the quest to destroy the dark tachyons is gone for good though

Reply September 6, 2016

For me they're giving it out as normal. Did you check if you might have a new Pre-quest to do?

Reply September 6, 2016