

antster297 #Corsair Talk

General Corsair

Need some serious help funding my sair So im getting about 2 nx cards soon, gonna turn all of that into mesos and fund my sair. How much money do you think that is? 3B? I currently have: 27% total dex. evo ring 2&3 10 att wg +18 all hat abr ring + 3att,+4 all ring dep star Gun: 110 att, +7 dex, +3%, all +30% att on bosses ,+4 att neb, +6% accuracy that i bought for 950m my range is almost 20k with FULL buffs (pirates revenge, mw10, dice #5, ship) of course other classes help but still. I need some serious advice on what to do with my items, what i should keep, get rid of and buy! Can anybody help me out? All advice appreciated! Thanks! the nx cards are 25k