
Getting Wrong Pot Scroll For Bounty Hunter Eqp?

So im doing the level 121-150 bounty hunter event and the reward boxes gave me potential scrolls not in correlation to the items i got. So im getting pot scrolls for the lvl 60s, 90s and 150 items. Is this happening to anyone else?

August 21, 2014

4 Comments • Newest first


Well thats good for you,the scrolls are tradeable

Reply August 21, 2014

You will get random scrolls from the special item boxes, but the scrolls from the bounty should be for your level range bounty equips.

Reply August 21, 2014

the boxes are random. the actual reward you get from killing the monster will correspond correctly. i think you get a pot scroll + 100% atk scroll for each equip. so that's like, 4 equips and 2 scrolls for each. total is around 4+ 2(4)= 12 bounty monsters

Reply August 21, 2014

Yes, because it's a random chance. You'll get scrolls for your level equips eventually though.

Reply August 21, 2014