

Ice vs fire

So I'm switching from bishop to either fp or IL in the next 19 levels. Which is better at bossing.. which is better at mobbing? And which is better damage overall. Im talking after all the reboot patches hit. They booth like fun af!

December 12, 2015

2 Comments • Newest first


In the most recent update, f/p was further nerfed to the ground. i/l is superior in all aspects. At this point theres no reason to play it over i/l unless you like the playstyle.

Chain Lightning has faster cast speed, more lines, higher dmg%. i/l also gets 50% dmg from elemetal reset nerf unlike 40% for fp. i/l has better party utility and is better at gollux and cvellum anyway.

Choose I/l..

Reply December 28, 2015 - edited

fp is getting nerfed but will still have very high damage output. IL has one of the best mobbing skills in the game. IL has more utility as well. Basically, F/P have advantage in terms of pure dps I/L wins out or is even in every other category.

Reply December 27, 2015 - edited