

asand200 #General Talk


I find myself in need of assistance. I found myself stumbling upon this new world, Broa. Upon starting my adventure I though to myself, this is going to be a piece of cake, a walk in the park! No! I was wrong.I now find myself on a chair then fighting pigs then back on a chair. I call upon a few fellow generous Broans in my time of need. I plead for you, 10 - 20k at the most. Enough to supply myself with some health and magic supplements. Please and thank you. Oh, and I'm also in need of some new buddies, as for I am rather lonely in this world. I understand I have posted this twice in the last 24 hours. The reason to be is only one brave soul was kind enough to help let alone post on my thread. I am most certainly not begging, merely askin

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