

azngirlLH #Bishop Talk

General Bishop

kMSt ver. 1.2.429 Bishop Another skill revamp. [b]Invincible[/b] (2nd): damage reduction has been increased from 20% to 25% [b]Holy Arrow[/b] (2nd): number of monsters hit has been increased from 3 to 4 [b]Holy Focus[/b] (3rd): mastery has been increased from 65% to 70% [b]Shining Ray[/b] (3rd): damage has been increased from 220% to 240% [b]Angel Ray[/b] (4th): damage has been decreased from 420% to 375%, number of hits has been increased from 3 to 4 [b]Genesis[/b] (4th): cooldown has been decreased from 30 seconds to 20 seconds Nice, no? I believe we have the highest mastery in game, next to evan. Correct me if I'm wrong. And AR 1260% > 1500%

General Bishop

kMSt ver. 1.2.429 Bishop Another skill revamp. [b]Invincible[/b] (2nd): damage reduction has been increased from 20% to 25% [b]Holy Arrow[/b] (2nd): number of monsters hit has been increased from 3 to 4 [b]Holy Focus[/b] (3rd): mastery has been increased from 65% to 70% [b]Shining Ray[/b] (3rd): damage has been increased from 220% to 240% [b]Angel Ray[/b] (4th): damage has been decreased from 420% to 375%, number of hits has been increased from 3 to 4 [b]Genesis[/b] (4th): cooldown has been decreased from 30 seconds to 20 seconds Nice, no? I believe we have the highest mastery in game, next to evan. Correct me if I'm wrong. And AR 1260% > 1500%