
Pap prequest glitch

So after big bang I wanted to start pap prequests on my archer (Lvl 101). However, apparently I can't start the quest. It's called "Protect Ludibrium" and it's supposed to be for lvl 60+. Does anyone know what's up? Is it me just glitching or is it a change of quest level. Thanks!

December 15, 2010

2 Comments • Newest first


[quote=GaiaBladez]Lejendus is right. It's 120+ now. I did it a few days ago.[/quote]
is the room with pap a explorer medal? because im on 19/20 and i cant find the last 1

Reply December 15, 2010

It's now level 120+. If you had the Ludibrium Medal from Gatekeeper or Thanatos before Big Bang, you can carry on, I believe. If not, 120+ for you.

Reply December 15, 2010