
Is all stats harder to get than stats?

Seems like stats% show up more often than all stats% when cubing. Is it actually more rare?

May 5, 2013

4 Comments • Newest first



you're joking right.
it's one chance, not 4.[/quote]

I think he's saying that its that the odds are are 4 for any stat and 1 for all stats.

OT: Yes, and all stats cant get as much % per line as one stat (i.e. 71+ legendary gloves can get 12% STR, DEX, INT, LUK, but only 9% All Stats for one line)

Reply May 5, 2013

Haha, sorry I didn't clarify. I meant that even a single stats% (like LUK) seems to appear more often than all stats%

Reply May 5, 2013

more or less depends on what your trying to get
mental type thing

example person trying for there main stat say warrior or something would tend to get %int more then %str

i for a mage tend to get %str/ %att more then %int/ %m.att

all stats are not that rare = rare if your trying to get multiple lines of it

Reply May 5, 2013

Well if you mean [b]any[/b] %stat then yes obviously all stats would be more rare. If we're assuming all possible potential lines have the same chance of appearing, then of course % stats will show up more often. There's four times more possibilities than all stats.

Reply May 5, 2013