

blazi4ever #Art Talk

General Art

Looking for certain jobs to be drawn Wait what? I'm taking art requests? [b]No, not necessarily.[/b] It's more like an application form if you ask me. ;> I'm working on a huge ass drawing based on all of the classes so far; don't expect me to finish it anytime soon (expect it to be done a month later or something because this month has my exams lol). Not to mention that I have loads of projects that I have in mind as well. |D However, I want a variety of looks based off of people's actual characters rather than me generating them in BannedStory. I'm looking to draw 1 character of each job that's listed below (E.g: 1 WH, 1 BaM, 1 BW, 1 DW...etc). If for some reason you don't believe that I can't draw or whatever, visit my art gallery[url=

General Art

The Guide to Criticism [header]DISCLAIMER: I am not a hardcore expert on art as well as this, but these are the basic points that should be followed via giving criticism.[/header] (and I do hope that submitting guides should be done by posting a thread first, unless there's like some type of special place on basil that you submit guides for approval or something; this is my first time posting such a thing >>;) Hi, t'is blazi4ever here~ I just thought I'd make a little guide for the art section based on criticism (How to criticize, accepting it and so on). I've seen so many people giving criticism the wrong way and end up insulting the artist instead (let it be intentional or accidental); thus this easily starts large arguments. I have

General Art

Help wanted Looking for official MapleStory artwork Hi guys! I just recently opened up a tumblr blog dedicated to official MapleStory art since I don't see anywhere on the web that has a full blown MapleStory official art gallery displaying their beautiful works. ;o; [header]The purpose of the blog is to appreciate Nexon's artwork and to look at rare illustrations (discontinued promotional art for example)[/header] I think this will help a lot of artists out there look for concept art/references/inspiration from one place too. The blog can be found [url=]here[/url], with a description of what we're looking for. If you would like to help out, please feel free to do so! (If you do, I will put you on the contr

General Art

Oh look guys I just came across someone's tumblr ([url=]this[/url]) that an anonymous basiler has made to comment/bash (Warning: Somewhat harsh messages written by the person are involved) on screens (specifically the art section). Your thoughts? EDIT: [quote=basilcritiq]...Though people like to spread the hate and start a bad soap opera. Let's all lash out on the one who posted the thread.[/quote] [url=]Do see my post here honey.[/url] How can you expect yourself to not get discovered by someone easily through your numerous tags on each of your tumblr posts? I never said I disliked the posts did I? :)

General Art

Looking for certain jobs to be drawn Wait what? I'm taking art requests? [b]No, not necessarily.[/b] It's more like an application form if you ask me. ;> I'm working on a huge ass drawing based on all of the classes so far; don't expect me to finish it anytime soon (expect it to be done a month later or something because this month has my exams lol). Not to mention that I have loads of projects that I have in mind as well. |D However, I want a variety of looks based off of people's actual characters rather than me generating them in BannedStory. I'm looking to draw 1 character of each job that's listed below (E.g: 1 WH, 1 BaM, 1 BW, 1 DW...etc). If for some reason you don't believe that I can't draw or whatever, visit my art gallery[url=