burningfire52 #Chat Talk

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About Amazon return policies Well I bought [url=http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00J0ISHMQ/=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1]this[/url] on May 12 and have been using it since (still pretty much new). I dont want it anymore and want to return it just because I want to buy another gpu. I still have the boxes and everything except the plastic that came with it. Can I return it and if I can, how much will I get back? [url=http://imgur.com/5r2LYP1]Also wut[/url]

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Which pc case should I buy? I need to buy a new pc case because the graphics card I bought was too large for my current one, which is fine because my old case is pretty old to begin with. I'm debating between these two cases ;ie=UTF8&qid=1432495765&sr=1-1 and ;ie=UTF8&qid=1432495765&sr=1-2 Which one would you choose and why? Edit: I dont have a whole lot of money to spend so these two cases are the best I can get with the money I have right now [url=http://imgur.com/hShnOgw]This is my current case right now. Its pretty generic since I got it years ago[/url] Edit2: A new challenger appears

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