

calebheads #Hero Talk

General Hero

Hero equipment upgrading Hey fellow heroes, I have been upgrading my equipment lately and I am wondering where I could get the most bang for my buck at the moment. Here is a list of my current equipment: 6% str Angel Wing Band (no neb) Bounty Hunter Badge Speigelmann's Artifact Excavator 2012 (for the 15 speed boost) Rising Sun Face Paint (average) Legendary Gratias Ring 12 attack Strong Ring S Gallant Battle Manual - Practice 5% str Spectrum Goggles (1% str neb) 13% str half earrings (1% str neb) 7 attack, 10% str tempest shoulder (1% str neb) 7% str Black Seraph Cape (1% str neb) 21 str, 9% str Blue Neos (invincibility neb) 5 attack, 9% str tempest pendant (no neb) 186 attack, 10 star, 55% boss Stonetooth Sword (25% boss neb) 5 attack Vir

General Hero

How to upgrade my equips? Hello, here is a list of my equips: Hat: 3% str elven tiara Top: 4% str commodore Bottom: 3% str platine Earrings: 12% str half earrings Pendant: 10 att MoN Belt: 4% str maple belt Ring: 10 att evo ring 3 Ring: 3 att legendary ring Ring: 3 att, 5% crit gratias ring Ring: 5 att abr Gloves: 3% str, no att maple gloves Shoes: 9% str red sneakers Cape: Not even worth mentioning :3 Weapon: 174 att, 30% boss, 8% crit stonetooth Pretty much all of my equips are nebbed with 1% str, and I included that. I have about 200mil to spare. Any advice would be helpful, thanks for your time! :) EDIT: Anyone? :/