

Price Check on a few items

So ya... ive upgraded my equips and im curious what they're worth now:

Dark Calas (45 overall): 19 int 3 luk 2%all +3 all epic
maple magician shield: +3 int +10 luk 6%int 2%all unique
htp: egged, 6% int 2 lined epic
targa: 25 int, 6% int, 3 lined epic
half earrings: 11 m. att 6 int 3% int 2 lined rare
ele wand 8: 147 m. att 20% magic 2 lined unique
puac: 7 m.att 6 int 4% int 2 lined epic
green neil shoes: 8 int 5 m.att 3% int rare 2 lined
lv 90 gloves (forgot name =) 8 int 6% int epic 2 lined
black oriental fury coat: 22 int 3% int 3 lined

hehe ya, kinda more then just a few, but thx for the price check guys

April 9, 2011