Solo Q tips?

As 11/11 approaches(less than 3 days NUUUUUU), i really do wanna get to gold as soon as possible(im in silver 1 atm). but i've been stuck in a rut for the past week or so. winning then losing keeping me at the steady 20-30 point mark. my mmr is still positive but just barely, so i am gaining 5 or 6 points and losing 4. I know most people will say "silver is easy you just suck and should stay there if you cant carry hard". But it really is hard, i am all rounded(play all 5 roles well) but i main top and mid, and i normally win lane or at least not feed lane but my teammates seem to always lose their lane or have someone d/c thus losing the game. My Question is, is there any tips you can give me to help win more games or be matched up with better people, cuz its hard to win a game when cait gets to go 7/0 by 10 minutes. .-. btw i have too much pride in myself so i dont duo with smurfs or get people to boost me... pleasee i want that protoss elise skin ><
what i have learned so far, for people who also want to learn from this thread.
-Learn one or two champions, play only them.
-junglers carry games
-MMR clamps are op goodbye protoss elise
-wards save lives and get more money for teammates.
-dont be toxic.
-tryndamere is a solo q stomper (personally i like to play riven)
- roam if youre winning
-time stuff so you can take advantage of it

November 5, 2013

19 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Leirkov]Plat 1 player here. (Fios issue is not allowing me to play LoL atm so I can't try for Diamond )

I had a Veteran medal (100+ games in a League) in both Silver and Gold. Never been in Bronze. I will tell you right now that the system works as intended, albeit antifun. If you are Silver, you belong in Silver.

The thing with Bronze/Silver as a whole: You have players who are straight up bad at everything, or are good at some parts but awful at others. It's not uncommon for mid to be 5-0 and then end the game 6-10 and you have no idea what the hell happened or why you lost. It's simple. They lack game knowledge. I was in your position: I won my lane every game, but I still managed to lose. Simple, I never pressed my advantage.

What's the difference between my silver days as a mid and my current (plat/diamond) days as a mid?
Silver: Smash lane, do nothing else but continue to smash my lane opponent.
Plat: Smash lane, take tower, gank top or bot, take tower/dragon, create map pressure. Swing to the other lane (top/bot) and create a roaming death squad. Take that tower too. All 3 outer turrets are down and we have dragon under control. Continue things like this.

I call shots for my team, I'll time nearly everything. The most important part of this game outside of warding, is information and how you use it.

If my jungler comes to gank my lane (I main Syndra, so here's an example - Syndra vs Ahri lane).
"Ahri no flash, ultimate is up." - This tells my jungler we can gank Ahri and if we burst her down in time, she can try to ult to escape but die. Or, she can ult away so she doesn't die and now I have a situation where my enemy has NO flash or escape mechanism, meaning I can absolutely dominate her.
"Ahri flash down @ 3:44, up around ~7:30" - This tells my entire team that Ahri is susceptible to being ganked for a huge period of time. If she pushes up and my jungler is nearby, guess who's dying? Ahri. I kill her and now I have freedom to do whatever I want.. push mid tower down, roam to another lane, go back to buy.. etc.

Use information to your advantage! If the enemy jungler shows himself top and your mid/bot are doing decently (or are pushed, so the enemy can't respond), call for a dragon! The enemy has no smite to contest you with. Things like this REALLY help you step up your game and "carry the bads."

Hope this helps [/quote]

this was actually one of the most helpful post so far ty ^^

Reply November 10, 2013

If you want to do well in rank, you gotta learn the DST. My friend who was silver this season tried the DST and got to plat in about a week. He's a decent player, but he normally has the most death and not the most farm.

Reply November 9, 2013

Add me on league, IGN: Tiffany
I'll spectate and tell you your problemos.

Reply November 9, 2013

MMR really doesn't clamp, or I have never experienced it myself. I got from Bronze 1 -> Silver 5 -> Silver 3 -> Silver 1 -> Gold 5 on one account (skipped 2 divisions), was gaining 30 LP per win. On my main account, I went to Plat 5 and didn't experience much clamping as well, gaining 25 LP per win.

I don't know if this helps, but play either champs that are hard carries, or champs that people don't know how to counter.
For instance, I played a lot of ADC till Gold 5, but I started playing Mid from Gold onwards. I noticed that even though I win my lane 10/10 times, my top/bottom lane would feed. So instead, I went back to playing Vayne, a hyper carry who can carry through feeders, and played her all the way to Plat.
Playing Akali is also a good idea, because pass level 6, she has good burst, and people tend not to know how to counter her or buy pink wards (even though I dont play her myself, she is a strong pick for lower elo).
I played a bunch of Riven mid (strong early game, play aggressive mid lane), Syndra mid (no one really knows how to go against her either), Annie is also a good champ to pick because of her stun. Even though I hate the champ myself, I tend to pick her a lot because she'll carry hard into late game as she can initiate and disengage with her stun.

Reply November 8, 2013

try to cheese with lee and kha. always keep up in items with enemy. if enemy leaves lane, push up to turret before leaving. Ask for jungler to help push if you can't push alone. If you jungle, help lanes push after a gank.

Reply November 8, 2013

I just got to Gold a few days ago after weeks of trying to climb out of silver playing mostly support and a little bit of mid. Here's what I have to say about silver ELO:

A lot of winning in Silver is based on luck. I am a very good support player with over 600 games on support in ranked. I play on a team with Diamond and Platinum players regularly, and take this game very seriously. Despite this, I know that I am only one of five players on my team, so even if I play perfectly one lane feeding to hell can ruin the entire game for me.

So, you do need luck to win many of your games. Other than that, here are some concrete tips that should help your team win:

- Babysit your teammates using the mini map. I main support, so this may be easier for me, but I have learned to babysit my teammates during the game. I am constantly looking at the map to make sure that my team knows where the enemy jungler is, where things are warded, if the enemy mid laner is roaming, etc. For example, if the enemy mid laner is going top, I will ping once in mid, once in the top side river and once on my top laner to ensure they have every reason to know that they are in danger. I will also write out "MID GOING TOP" in chat while doing this.

- Learn to be a team leader. I am constantly giving orders to my team using knowledge that I know is correct and can help win games. Today, for instance, the enemy team lane swapped bot and top. At first, my jungler decided to go top to help our top laner, but I instructed him to come bot to make our lane a 3v1 and quickly get the enemy tower. After this was accomplished we immediately switched lanes with our top laner, restoring regular lane matchups and giving our top an advantage because their top had no tower to fall back on. The classic mistake would have been to keep our jungler top, thus sapping EXP from our top laner and lessening our jungler's effect on providing map pressure. So, watch LCS games to gain general tactics knowledge, be vocal and step up as a leader. Be nice about it, though, because if you are condescending or talk down to people they will not listen.

- Use "DST". This is simple. If anybody does anything well on your team, compliment them for it. It could be for something as simple as someone buying wards (oh my God, wards in Silver?), or as epic as a quadra kill from your ADC.

- Buy wards for your whole team. Your support is going no-wards manamune build on Thresh? Mid lane dying from the same gank 100 times in a row? Buy wards for them. Try to place these wards in areas that help both you and the rest of your team. As support, I like to place a ward in the river bushes around mid. This allows me to know if the enemy jungler or mid is coming into our jungle to flank bot lane, and also allows my mid laner to have vision on one side of his or her lane.

- Never forfeit unless you are down 10k or more gold. I don't care what anybody says, there's always a way to come back in a game. I have had games where the enemy had a fed Vayne and a fed Nasus, and we still won because they threw. However, if you're down 10k gold or more (try to calculate kills and global gold for both teams), then I'd say you could surrender if you wanted. I hate people who say "gg" when it's 7-4 and they're up 1 tower. That is such a minuscule lead it's not even funny. Be encouraging and explain the gold difference to your teammates so they know they may have a chance to win.

For me, getting to Silver I was the easy part. Getting to Gold from Silver I took about 2 weeks of playing 5-10 ranked games per day. At one point I got to Silver I with 87 points, and was gaining about 18 per win. At 87 points I literally had 7 games with AFKs in a row, and thus plummeted down to about 10 points. After this I won a few games, but then had another horrible loss streak, and actually got demoted to Silver II, continuing to lose until I had 50 points in Silver II. I felt like giving up at this point because I had about one week left (this was a few days ago) to get to Gold, and was having a hard time balancing school and trying to get to Gold at the same time. Plus, my MMR was well below where I needed it to be, so I knew climbing the ladder would be tough.

However, I figured that since I put so much time into trying to get to Gold I would continue a little longer. I literally won 16 games in a row to get back to about 80 points in Silver I from being halfway down Silver II. After that I quickly got up to my promos and accomplished them on my first try.

It's so worth getting to Gold, though. Most of the games I've played in Gold have been filled with competent players. What would have been a roll fest in Silver actually turns into a somewhat competitive comeback in Gold.

Reply November 8, 2013 - edited

Your mmr is actually low 5-6 points means you're being clamped. Considering you main top/mid play Solo queue god like Kassadin or Tryndamere. Kassadin wins at least 2 lanes and tryndamere doesnt even need to win lane to win.

Reply November 8, 2013 - edited

Stop playing top if you're a good mid. Jung and mid are the most influential lanes, if you can perfect mid; you should be able to affect the other lanes. Silver 1 is literally luck, I can't really say how to get through it, sorry ;~;

Reply November 8, 2013 - edited

[quote=CathySenpai]As 11/11 approaches, i really do wanna get to gold as soon as possible(im in silver 1 atm). but i've been stuck in a rut for the past week or so. winning then losing keeping me at the steady 20-30 point mark. my mmr is still positive but just barely, so i am gaining 5 or 6 points and losing 4. I know most people will say "silver is easy you just suck and should stay there if you cant carry hard". But it really is hard, i am all rounded(play all 5 roles well) but i main top and mid, and i normally win lane or at least not feed lane but my teammates seem to always lose their lane or have someone d/c thus losing the game. My Question is, is there any tips you can give me to help win more games or be matched up with better people, cuz its hard to win a game when cait gets to go 7/0 by 10 minutes. .-. btw i have too much pride in myself so i dont duo with smurfs or get people to boost me... pleasee i want that protoss elise skin ><[/quote]

If you don't mind i would like it if you can post your summoner name (or PM me) so that I could perhaps give you some tips. I am only in Plat 5 but my mmr is good enough (I believe) that I play with Dia 5 in soloQ. I started out of Bronze V but honestly, you just have to be great with one champ that you can snowball the whole game. And to improve drastically that you can carry about 15~20 games to get to Gold V is extremely thing. . But, if I could see perhaps your KDA, creepscore etc and spectate a game or two point out some tips and tricks that could help. Feel free to PM me if you are interested

Reply November 7, 2013 - edited

You're in a pretty bad position. If you're at 30LP with that MMR you'll have to win ~15 in a row to get into promos, maybe more. Lots of clamp after 90LP, don't be surprised if you get 1LP per win after 95LP.

Reply November 7, 2013 - edited

I'm probably not the person to ask since I made it to plat playing essentially only kennen

Reply November 7, 2013 - edited

play champions you enjoy playing O__O
that's how i got my elo

Reply November 7, 2013 - edited

Pick champions that have more of an impact in teamfights rather than top/mid champions that are more of a lane stomp for ex. Fizz is a huge lane stomp but when it comes to teamfights he's very fragile and hard to position, im not saying he's useless but not as effective as other champions like Cassiopeia who have huge aoe potential.

Reply November 7, 2013 - edited

you could try playing jungle nasus and solo drag at 6 with a pink. he also gank good with op slow. ( i got to gold with nasus ;3)

Reply November 5, 2013 - edited

Find a friend to duo with. He/she jungles and you play mid or top. Tell your friend to ALWAYS gank your lane if you are even/ahead. Your friend shall only gank the other lanes if they are also even/ahead. If all lanes are losing, tell your friend to just farm until about 7min mark, where you guys shall take dragon (this is important). Proceed to platinum. My source: a bl full of friends who used to be silver, then followed that strategy and are all at least gold now.

Reply November 5, 2013 - edited

Focus on farm, get objectives, gank bot

Reply November 5, 2013 - edited

It's rather simple if you are mid. Be veryyyyyy watchful of your lane opponent and their jungler. If you notice your opponent or their jungler going somewhere, try to clear wave hard then pursue. Other than that, just gotta be persistent and get lucky, simple as it is.

Reply November 5, 2013 - edited

I'm not the best at League but I did recently hit Gold IV. How I managed to climb: 1) Fill every game because if you let people get their role they won't be on tilt or rage hopefully. 2) Do not type in chat at all. If you do you could piss off your team or something so if you do say anything say "GJ" or "Group mid" or "Focus X". Also you should watch some videos like Gbay99 videos or how to get better at league videos.

Reply November 5, 2013 - edited

Bring a buddy who you know is a decent player and duo bot lane

Reply November 5, 2013 - edited