cccurrified #Luminous Talk

General Luminous

Luminous, thoughts on other Mages need a buff or no? It seems a little bit OP after watching some videos, or actually, just good ksers/AoE skills. Then again, the attacks seems slow, and there's not really a 1v1 skill but a ripoff of CL, as far as I can see. Hello, "Meditation" (3rd job) increases 40matk >.<, Absolute kill (4th job) is a ripoff of Snipe. Does this means that we are getting a new animation for MG as well? Apocalypse looks like a copy of Flare as well... Overall, this looks fun (you don't have to hold down a key to maximise the damage output) :3. The playstyle is similar to F/p for not spamming a single key. Check orangemushroom.wordpress 's first post (can't post link, thanks a lot Mr.B). Side note: Portals l