

Clarification for all stat

Okay, I'm writing this because of how absurd people are when it comes to talking about % stat becoming split between str, dex, and luk
It will not; it will still give x% to said stat
3% luk will still give 3% dluk, but since xenon stats are 33.3%/33.3%/0%/33.3% instead of the usual 0%/0%/0%/100% like regular thieves(100%/0%/0%/0% and 0%/100%/0%/0% for pirates)
That 3% luk would only be giving 1/3rd of how it would for any other thief, but it will not be giving a str + dex boost. (Example: Level 200 thief has 999 luk, said thief equips an item with 3% dex, that thief will gain 30 luk. But a level 200 Xenon will have 333 str, 333 dex, and 333 luk, this xenon equips the same 3% luk item and he would gain 10 luk. (999/333 = 30/10)

% all stat: Using base stats again. a regular level thief with 4/4/4/999 equips a 3% all stat equip this thief would gain .12/.12/.12/30. A level 200 Xenon (333/333/4/333) Equips this 3% all item he would receive 10/10/.12/10

Does everyone understand now?

April 29, 2013

6 Comments • Newest first


3%dex will give 1%dex 1%luk 1%str--- 3%all stat gives 3%dex 3%str 3%luk. ive read this in some maple site has any1 else come across this? or its probably a mistake.

Reply May 6, 2013

Its funny how easily people can confuse a very basic concept.

Reply April 30, 2013

[quote=rudy153]If you want to clarify something, you should make it really easy to understand, not...this
You could just have said that
[i]3% all stats[/i] on a Xenon equals to [i]9% of a single stat[/i] [b]ONLY[/b] if the stats are all the same (base and bonus)

You have 200 STR, DEX and LUK
3% all : You get +6 STR, DEX and LUK (total of 18 stats gained)
9% LUK: You get + 18 LUK

Now just looking at the damage formula:
You can see that both stats gained contribut [b]equally[/b] to your range

And thats all[/quote]

he's comparing 3% all stats on a xenon vs a regular thief, not 3% all vs 9%main on a xenon

Reply April 30, 2013

Mathematically 3% all for a xenon is = 3% luk for any other thief, but that's only if you consider your chars as stripped chars, and we know there's a lot of equips (most) that gives boost to ALL stat. With all these in consideration, a xenon could get 1500+ base of EVERY stat, even more. Any other thief could get 2500+ with same ease, but if you consider 210% all 1500 all for xenon vs 300% luk 2500 luk for other thief, the xenon will have 13 950 useful stat, while the thief will have 10k.

Reply April 29, 2013 - edited

3% dex gives luck? did maple change again?

Reply April 29, 2013 - edited

So why does 3% dex give 30 luk? o-o
And you don't have put points into str, dex, and luk equally, either. I'm pretty sure you're also forgetting that % stats (Other than MW and I think Azwan inner abilities) are based off your total stat, not base.

It's hard to understand your point when it isn't made clear... o-o
What are you trying to say? o-o

Reply April 29, 2013 - edited