chakatstarlight #General Talk


500 account thread? ok so apparently quite a few of you saw the thread and continued to steal the accounts that were there, besides me was there anyone who got on the accounts and made sure that the equips were safly tucked away by Freinds of the charecters? i was able to get on about 3 accounts all lvl 90+ and was able to make sure a friend (i hope was a good friendxD) held the items of the said hacked charecter for saftey... did anyone ELSE try to do the right thing? or did u all steal/delete/act like a jerk to said accounts? Of course this is just to try and see if anyone on basil is actually worth a danm and ill probobly get in trouble, but im curious to know Edit: seems quite a few people arent exactly sure what happend so ill explain.


so i got hacked. what now? so after playing for 4 years or so i finally get hacked. he left anything UN-tradeable instead of dropping them. like my z helm. needless to say my charc's are still playable yet knowing that id be doing less dmg then most non funded people turns me off ALOT :| also knowing that my acc was hacked it makes me not rly wanna play only to get hacked agian. im not willing to spend any money, so what now? im thinking of just quitting. if not maybe create a new account for when demon slayers come out and start clean again. what do you guys think? never being hacked before and being to high lvl to even be able to afford pots im not exactly sure what to do now =/