

chaos0 #Chat Talk

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How to get over a really hard break up? So me and an ex of mine have finally broken up after 3 years of being together. The pain and attachment is so great that I can't even believe this is reality. The attachment has me still in this mind that we are kind of sort of together and that I think I want to be with her even though I think she is a disgusting pig and hate her for doing what she did. Basically, she cheated on me and had sex with another dude and I'm just like wtf. And get this, now she is with the other guy. It just sucks because I was so in love with her and I could have slept with three different chicks but I didn't and then she went and slept with the first guy to come onto her. We had a LD relationship and went to different co

General Chat

How to get over a really hard break up? So me and an ex of mine have finally broken up after 3 years of being together. The pain and attachment is so great that I can't even believe this is reality. The attachment has me still in this mind that we are kind of sort of together and that I think I want to be with her even though I think she is a disgusting pig and hate her for doing what she did. Basically, she cheated on me and had sex with another dude and I'm just like wtf. And get this, now she is with the other guy. It just sucks because I was so in love with her and I could have slept with three different chicks but I didn't and then she went and slept with the first guy to come onto her. We had a LD relationship and went to different co

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Dont feel like quotThe Manquot in my relationship anymore What's up basil, I decided to rant this out to you guys since im too self conscious to rant it out to people I know in real life, so here I go. I have been with my girlfriend for 2 years and 5 months now, and we have had our problems of course, but everything has generally good. But recently, I have began to feel like less of a "man" with her now. For example, whenever we go grocery shopping, she always wants to carry the heavier stuff and wants me to get the lighter stuff, and when i do carry the heavier stuff, when I'm not having any trouble at all, she is constantly asking me "do you got it? do you want me to carry it?" she makes me feel weak :(. And when we go

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Which name is better for a baby girl My girlfriend and I are debating on what we are going to name our daughter. I like the name Nonabel because it sounds pretty, but she doesn't like it. And she likes the name Eden, like from the Garden of Eden, but I dont really like that name for our baby girl. So basil, what do you guys think is the better name? EDIT: And explain why you like one name over the other, my girlfriends said nonabel reminds her of cheese, and that reason for not liking a name seems like a bad one.

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Problems trusting my girlfriend. Warning: Wall of Text So I have been with this girl for like 9 months now, and I am always honest, and a sweetheart to her, but I always get the feeling that I can't trust her. I asked her what she did over break and she told me "nothing, I stayed home the whole time". And i actually believed her. She later then told me that she got high with her ex boyfriend who is her best friend, after I told her what I did over break. I try to convince myself that I can trust her. But then I think to myself that she has had 18 boyfriends before me. [b]Yes, Eight motha frikkin Teen ex boyfriends[/b], and she has lied a lot to me. So then I think that she willl go do anything with her guys friends because of all

General Chat

Should I throw this kickback? My parents are in Europe. Their flight will take 14 hours to get back to LA, plus the extra hour for them to drive back. But, minus the 8 hours they are ahead of us, that means it will take them 7 hours to get back to the house from London. Should I throw this kickback? It will have alcohol, weed, music, girls, all that, and my parents have no idea that I even am like this. I kinda want to cancel it, but then again I don't. Any ideas anyone? If I am caught, I am beyond in trouble, but I am a college student and I could just move out with my friend at his apartment. But if I don't get caught, I would have had a great kickback and enjoyed myself.

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Relationship question, help needed Have you guys ever felt like you found the one, but no matter how hard you try, you feel like the relationship will never work out? I am currently feeling that with my current gf. I feel like she is the one, but no matter how I look at us, I feel like we will never work out. One thing to mention is that we have broken up and gotten back together too many times I don't even remember, I just know that the last two times she has left me. We talk about getting married and having kids, but we can't even stay with each other for long periods of time without leaving, and currently we are going through a rough patch and the longer it feels like this, the more I feel like we won't work. I really do care for her, bu

General Chat

My girlfriend said I was boring =/ My girlfriend told me that there is no more spark between us because I got too boring for her now =/. She told me that she loved me, and even went the way to tell me that she broke up with more exciting ex boyfriends just because she didn't love them. But she said that she doesn't feel the "spark" anymore =/. Idk im pretty sad about it right now. She even says that she doesnt even see me as her awesome boyfriend anymore, but only as a really good friend. We didnt break up but idk im feeling sad right now. What do you guys think should be done about this situation?