cheezmuffinZ #General Talk


Night Walker Revamp Ideas Hello. A while back, a person made a blaze wizard revamp, So i decided to make a night walker revamp. This is one of my first threads, so don't expect it to be fancy and such. Some skills are just explained with another skill for it performs the same function as that skill. I tried to make this as far away from the night lords as possible, except for some skills like claw mastery for obvious reasons. [header2]Begginer Skills[/header2] Same as other CKs [header2]1st Job[/header2] 65 skill points [b]Shadow Star:[/b] Throw a star made of shadows with amazing precision. Goes horizontally and passes through monsters and walls. max lvl: 20, hits up to 4 monsters, at 400% once. 1 star [b]Shadow Armor:[/b] gain a shadow's