

chewy222 #Chat Talk

General Chat

Hey Basil, care to ...lend me Avatar items? ;) So yeah, Neopets avvie items. I need to get lent: [*]Faerie Queen Doll --------------------------------- Fyora Day Avvie [*]Zafara Double Agent Plushie --------------------- Sneaky Avvie [*]Chokato TCG -------------------------------------- Chokato Avvie [*]Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie (TCG)------ MSPP Avvie [*]Same amount of NPs that asparagus costs ---- Adam Avvie (note: the price of asparagus changes everyday, and is expensive. Price of Asparagus is [url=]Here[/url]) Also seeking BattleDome Avatars: [*]Darigan Tonu --------------- Need to battle (win or lose doesn't matter {or at least [url=